
SUNDAY SERVICES at 10:30 AM, coffee and child care from 10:15. There is no cost for child care.

Join us on Zoom!

spring ahead for daylight savings time

George Pinney

Sunday March 9 at 10:30 AM

“The Inflection Point of Inspiration”

A Talk by George Pinney
Service Leader: Sheila McKenna

Music from Dr. Karèn Tchougourian



Little things mean a lot. Can you send us your pledge donation, or, if you never got to making an official pledge, can you send us some support? Whatever you can send, it will be appreciated and put to good use. At a recent board meeting, we were checking the church’s wallet. Our expected pledge income was way, way lower than we had hoped, and budgeted for. Can you reach into your heart and send us a financial offering?   

Thank you!