Officers and Staff

Our Administrator will relay your message to the desired person(s) below, or on request will add your email address to our newsletter mailing list.

Office Email Address:
Office hours: currently by appointment
(413) 443-7903

PresidentAlexander Herrmann
Vice PresidentOpen
TreasurerCarol Moak
Clerk Rachel Occhiogrosso-Schwartz
CollectorFrancine Germaine
Personnel Carol Moak
Building & GroundsChristopher Hicks
Social HourBen Foley
MembershipBob Shepherd
Building UseRachel Occhiogrosso-Schwartz
Social ResponsibilityAlexander Herrmann
Sharing and CaringGuinevere Morgan
Sunday ServicesAlexander Herrmann
CanvassBob Shepherd
Religious EducationRachel Occhiogrosso-Schwartz (interim)
At-LargePeggy Taylor, Gonzalo Bermudez
Social Media and NewsletterAlexander Herrmann
Caretaker Alexander Herrmann