Honduras Project

I am going to present a short description of our work in Guaimaca at the service on the 10th of February, come with questions and energy, bring friends. This is the 23rd year for the Honduran Project and we are really making in difference in quite a few people’s lives! Watch for the timing of a reception that weekend to help me celebrate 40 years!

Our other local social responsibility project is collecting food at the farmers market for distribution to the shelters. Kelley reports that now that the Abode is at the winter market, there is plenty of produce for the shelters. Talk to Kelley about helping out. We need to redo the setup for the ‘giving table’. Social Responsibility

Our Honduras Project has hit its stride. This year we will provide space for a adult evening high school. This high school has been operating since 1981 at a grammar school in the middle of town. We were approached this year by the director of this small 60-80 student ‘school’. She explained that 80% of the students live in our neighborhood. They would like to use our building. Seems like a great use of the building, a huge benefit for the students and the barrio. We are going to try it out for a year. My goal is to incorporate them as volunteers in the library, which we just put a new roof on, the clinic and ambulance service, the ceramics shop and all the music.

I am celebrating forty years of work in Honduras. I am going to take an anniversary tour of Honduras and I want to take everyone with me!  In the 21st century, we can do that. Virtually! Using my website, people will be able to come along with me as I visit places were we have worked, places that have received equipment that we have been able to send over the years, more than ten containers. And of course I want to show people some of the beauty of Honduras. I am going to ask people to contribute to a fund, so that when I am visiting a school, I can bring paper or when visiting a clinic, I can bring gloves. Watch for more news!