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The Inflection Point of Inspiration
George Pinney, Broadway director, choreographer, composer

Liminal Spaces – the Challenge and Opportunity
Reverend Rich Hayes

One Step at a Time
Reverend Rich Hayes

Apocalypse, Pinocchio and Confucius
Peggy Taylor, Lay Leader

Moment to Moment
Reverend Rich Hayes

Return of the Light
Alexander Herrmann, lay leader

A one-woman recreation by Diedre Bollinger

That’s My Secret
Alexander Herrmann lets us in

What lifts your spirits?
Circle Sunday, led by Rachel Schwartz

The Ripple Effect (of You)
Reverend Rich Hayes

Witchcraft in Our Lives
Danielle Munn, owner of Witch Slapped on North Street in Pittsfield, joins us to talk about how we all incorporate elements of witchcraft into our everyday lives!

What Can You Be When You’re Not What You Used to Be?
Reverend Rich Hayes

The Promise of UUism
Peggy Taylor, Lay Leader
Welcome Home!
Peggy Taylor and Carol Moak host the service, and we add to the salad as we share a memory from summer, and watch our bowl fill with stories, greens and ingredients. Chickpeas, carrots, scallions, fresh peas and herbs are all welcome. After the service we sit together and eat this wonderful melange and get caught up on our summer’s adventures.

Saying “No” to Good Things
Bob Shepherd, congregation lay leader, suggests putting aside doing good things in favor of doing great things.

What’s in a Comedy?
Alexander “Sascz” Herrmann, UUCP President

The Living Web: Interconnectedness, Interdependence, and Community
UUCP member Rachel O. Schwartz offers an outline for fostering greater cooperation with those around us

Music in my Life
Sheila McKenna, a talented soprano in our midst shares highlights of a remarkable career in music

Berkshire Amistad
Member Eddie O’Toole speaks about his work with Berkshire Amistad, and the years of work with his family in Honduras in the establishment of a school and community center, as well as his continued work bringing needed items to Honduras.

Circle Sunday
Peggy Taylor: When was your heart blown open by Beauty? What is that ‘something beautiful’ that you carry in your mind?

“Remembering November”
A short story written and read by member Simon Cole

“Why I’m So Passionate About the Dollhaus”
Rachel O. Schwartz

“Dying to (K)no(w)”
Reverend Rich Hayes
GOOD NEWS: You can download audio from any presentation — click on the three dots to the right of the loudspeaker icon.

“The Return of Light”
Sheila McKenna, congregation lay leader

“As To The Nature of Truth”
A Reading From Theologian and Novelist, Frederick Buechner
Peggy Taylor, congregation lay leader

“Forty Acres and a Goat: Musing from Civil
Rights Activist, Rev. Will Campbell.”
Peggy Taylor, congregation lay leader

The Poison Pill
Reverend Rich Hayes

Mystics on the Kitchen Line — Reflections on the Third Principle
Simon Cole, member and resident philosopher

“All About Love”
Circle Sunday with Peggy Taylor

The Second UU Principle: Justice, Equity and Compassion in Human Relationships
Melissa Quirk, as read by Alexander Herrmann

What are You Hanging Onto?
Reverend Rich Hayes

The First UU Principle: Dignity and Worth
Alexander Herrmann, UUCP President

Jupiter Rises Over the Fields of Mars
A short story by member Simon Cole

Be Yourself – Everybody Else is Taken
Reverend Rich Hayes

The Spirituality of Imperfection
Reverend Rich Hayes

Celebrating Samhain with Creatures, Ghouls and Saints
Peggy Taylor presents a service about Pagan customs of Halloween and honoring our ancestors.

The Princess and the Dragon
Katherine Wedderburn, Congregation member

Meditation and You
Reverend Eric Wasileski, Congregation member

What do You Reflect?
Reverend Rich Hayes

UU and You
Rev. Eric Wasileski, congregation member

Water Communion Ingathering
Amanda Bowers & Rev. Rich Hayes

How to be a Good (Dance) Partner
Member and dance instructor Kathryn Wedderburn helps us to see the many parallels between dancing and real life.

Back to School: Reflections of a Teacher in August
It’s that time of year again when teachers prep lessons, design classrooms, research best practices, and get their websites up to date. Melissa Quirk will share original poetry from the perspective of a teacher preparing for a new year. You can read some of Melissa’s writings here.

A Latin American song, translated and presented as a poem by member Gonzalo Bermudez. Musical interludes by our resident pianist Karèn Tchougurian.

Original Poems
Tom Harter, Congregation Member

Who Needs a Heart When a Heart Can Be Broken?
Kathryn Wedderburn, Congregation Member

Blessings – Saint Francis and the Sow
Peggy Taylor, Congregation Member

Moms Demand Action
a presentation regarding the Massachusetts Red Flag Law and how its use helps keep us safer from gun violence
Brian Whitmore, Berkshire Chairman, Moms Demand Action

Different Ways of Being a Mother
Alexander Herrmann

Circle Sunday: Poetry Month
Our members share their favorite poems

Rev. Rich Hayes

Advice From Jimmy Carter:
Making the Most of Your Life
Carol Moak, Church member and Treasurer

Embracing the Mystery
Reverend Rich Hayes

The Music Box
Original story
Narrated by author Simon Cole

Beyond Our Last Breath
Reverend Rich Hayes

The Year of the Rabbit
Alexander Herrmann, Member/Service Leader

Time Takes Time
Reverend Rich Hayes

What does Winter Solstice Mean to You?
Alexander Herrmann, Member/Service Leader

Too Much Noise
A Ukrainian folk tale presented by Alexander Herrmann

Home for Thanksgiving
Simon Cole, narrated by Sheila McKenna

Ghana 2022 Experience: Reflections, Inspiration & Insights
Roberta McCulloch-Dews, Director of Administrative Services, City of Pittsfield

What Is Real?
Reverend Rich Hayes

I Only Have Eyes for You
Simon Cole, Member/Leader
Reading from a novel in progress

Is “Random Acts of Kindness” Smarmy?
Bob Shepherd, Member/Leader

The Life of an Artist
J. Peter Bergmann, Arts Critic, Founder of Edna St. Vincent Millay Arts Colony Restoration

The Vital Role of Rural Libraries
Purr McEwan, former Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Becket Athenaeum

The Universality of World Religions
Alexander Herrmann, Member/Leader

You Are Worthy
Reverend Rich Hayes

Thoreau, Trees and Climate Change
Carol Moak, Service Associate

Heart & Soil Collective
Kristen Tool, owner-operator of, a nonprofit in Lanesborough, Massachusetts working to connect people to the land where their food grows, making healthy foods and hands-on nature experiences accessible to all
Introduced by Melissa Cairns

Considerations on Wildfires and Forgiveness
Simon Cole, Lay leader
Read by Sheila McKenna in Simon’s family COVID illness

Detaching From Attachments
Reverend Rich Hayes

Arts as a Way of Knowing
Dr. Lisa Donovan, Professor of Arts Management MCLA

Loyalty to Life
Speaker: Sandra Boston
Guest Musician: Annie Hassett

Into the Light
Sheila McKenna, lay leader

Perfection’s Never Been Easy
Bob Shepherd, lay leader

Embracing Love
Reverend Carol Killian

It’s Time to Speak of Spring
Simon Cole, lay leader

The Beautiful Not-Yet…
Reverend Rich Hayes

Seeking a True Light in the House of Smoke and Mirrors
Simon Cole, lay leader

A Question of Love
Reverend Rich Hayes